Books on Computer-Assisted Translation

The following studies are available about machine-assisted (computer-assisted) translation. Contact information is provided at the end of this file. Please contact them directly if you are interested in obtaining copies of these works.

*    Saarbrücker Studien zu Sprachdatenverarbeitung	*
*                  und Übersetzen				*
*       (Editors: Karl-Heinz Freigang, Uwe Reinke)		*

In order to respond to the technological development in the field of translation, which has important effects on the professional profile of translators and interpreters, a curriculum for Linguistic Data Processing and Machine(-Aided) Translation has been developed and implemented at the Department of Applied Linguistics, Translating, and Interpreting at the University of Saarbrücken and is now an integral part of the degree courses for translators and interpreters.

The following subjects are treated within this component of the training programme:

-   Theoretical foundations of Linguistic Data Processing taking
    into account the specific requirements of the activities of
    translating and interpreting.

-   Possibilities, functions and performance of word-processing
    systems, systems for terminology management as well as systems
    for machine-aided translation and machine translation.

-   Practical work with word-processing systems, terminology data
    bases and machine(-aided) translation systems.

-   Problems and possibilities of pre- and post-editing of texts
    and encoding, up-dating and management of dictionaries in the
    framework of machine translation as well as computer-aided
    terminology work.

These questions are not only dealt with in courses within the training programme, but are also discussed in more detail in the framework of diploma theses written by students at the end of their studies.

The series "Saarbrücker Studien zu Sprachdatenverarbeitung und Übersetzen" (Saarbrücken Studies on Linguistic Data Processing and Translating) is published, in order to make available for those interested in these fields some selected diploma theses as well as other reports or papers dealing with machine(-aided) translation and related subjects.

Since September 1995, the following volumes have been published:

Vol. 1:  Thilo Schueller: Integrierte Übersetzungssysteme. 1994.

         Translation Memory components of integrated translation
         systems are compared on the basis of various translation
         scenarios. A model for evaluating the performance of such
         systems is developed. The report deals with the systems
         TranslationManager/2 (IBM), Translator's Workbench II
         (Trados), and MemCat (Keck,IBM).

Vol. 2:  Michael Seybold: Terminologieverwaltung unter Windows.
         Eine vergleichende Untersuchung. 1995.

         Detailed description and analysis of the terminology
         management systems TermStar (Star), Multiterm 95
         (Trados), TermISys (Koeller Informationssysteme), and
         Termbase for Windows (Srinivasan).

Vol. 3:  Christina Spies: Vergleichende Untersuchung von
         integrierten Übersetzungssystemen mit Translation-Memory-
         Komponente. 1995.

         Detailed description and analysis of the integrated
         machine-aided translation systems Translator's Workbench
         for Windows (Trados), TranslationManager for Windows
         (IBM), and Transit for Windows WINDOWS (Star).

Vol. 4:  Daniel Brockmann: Was kann LOGOS? Linguistische Bewertung
         eines kommerziellen MUe-Systems unter Berücksichtigung
         weiterer markt- und forschungsorientierter Systeme.
         Untersuchte Sprachrichtung: Deutsch-Englisch. 1993.

         Short survey on the history of machine translation since
         1945 and on the MT systems METAL, SYSTRAN, SUSY, and
         EUROTRA. The main part of this thesis concentrates on an
         analysis of the linguistic performance of the machine
         translation system LOGOS.

New in May 1996:

Vol. 5:  Corinna Hoggenmueller. Terminologiearbeit im Nordischen
         Raum. 1993.

         Describes the history and present state of terminology work
         in Northern European countries; contains a detailed presen-
         tation of the TERMDOK data base.

Vol. 6:  Stefanie Schlutter. Sprachliche Gestaltung und Internationali-
         sierung von Benutzungsoberflächen. Erläutert an Beispielen aus
         dem Englischen, Deutschen und Italienischen. 1995.

         Analyses the linguistic aspects of user interface design and

Vol. 7:  Bettina Brungs. Translation Memories als Komponente integrierter
         Übersetzungssysteme. Eine Untersuchung anhand verschiedener
         Texttypen .1995.

         Deals with the question, in how far the efficiency of Tranlation
         Memories depends on texttype-specific aspects and tries to find
         out whether the performance of Translation Memories can be enhanced
         by improving the source texts.

All these reports are available in German language. The price is DM 35,- for each volume. For further information and orders please contact:

    Dipl.-Übers. Karl-Heinz Freigang
    Universität des Saarlandes
    Fachrichtung 8.6
    "Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft sowie Übersetzen und
    Post Box 15 11 50
    D-66041 Saarbrücken
    Tel.	+49 (681) 302-2929
    Fax		+49 (681) 302-4440

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